Tomorrow's Destination,
Featured Destination: Cuba
First and foremost, flying into Cuba is the easiest thing in the world. You book your flight and you buy the Visa at JFK or whatever airport your using. (Or at least I assume most airports would operate the same way, but that you have to check with your local airport). I actually got a private driver as well as I private tour guide and that was cool, but you don’t have to do all that. And yes we Americans ARE allowed to go there and there is no problem at all. It is totally legal. I’m only saying this because a lot of people have asked on my Instagram and I just wanted to touch on it quickly so, book it and go!!!
This write up is going to be more of a story because that’s how it was for me. I felt like I was dreaming. Some of it was amazingly beautiful and some of it was funny and some of it was really sad. I seriously never experienced anything like it ever before.

Hey, I'm Omar. Welcome to my corner of the Internet.
I would like to take a minute to tell you the reason why I have taken the time to write and work on this project. This is basically a channel to share some of my story and my experiences and hopefully help and inspire you to travel and to explore the world. Something beautiful happens to ones self in the process of learning and realizing that we are not alone, nor are we the only ones that matter. You become a lot more educated but also also become more compassionate and more tolerant of others. I have grown up in the land of opportunity. Tons of people will never be awarded the opportunities I have been given. When you have opportunity you can direct your own life. If you happen to have the gift of health all you have to do is open your eyes, get rid of fear, set a goal and go for it.
Revisited: Ibizia, Spain
So after a number of years, I went back to Ibiza. The first time around I loved it, this time, I really fell in love with it. I forgot how extraordinarily beautiful this little island happens to be. It really is like no other place I have ever seen. The Mediterranean is probably the most beautiful bodies of water I have ever been in. This time we also rented a private boat and went island hoping around Ibiza. This was one of the most fun and spectacular things I have done in years! What a day!
From Ibiza we boated to Formentera which is another Island about 40 minutes away. We found this amazing restaurant on this tiny island that you had to have a reservation for way ahead of time.